Hi, I am Ricky Abeigner, let me tell you about myself.
I am the conceptor of the Homo-immortalis Project.
I have been helping myself with my own health challenges for more than 20 years now:
I have survived from malaria in Africa when i was a teenager;
I am still dealing with a hernia repair surgery complications;
I am exposed to covid-19 like anybody else.
You don’t have to die from Malaria, or from covid, or from a medical error. Medical errors are believed to be the number 2 cause of mortality in the Usa today. In the meantime, new studies are showing that the limit of the human life span is about 150 years.
Ralph Emerson, an American philosopher and poet said: “ First wealth is health.” You can’t enjoy your wealth if you are not healthy.
We can help you to build your own vitamins stack tailored exactly to your body needs and your need of the moment, whatever the health challenges you are dealing with.
We can help you in 3 ways:
1 - Your current health challenges or immediate needs;
2 – Your health maintenance or mid-term needs;
3 – Your longevity and antiaging or long-term needs.
Let me build your vitamins stack. you will turn around your life like myself. Drop me a message, I will get back to you, ASAP.
thank you.
Hi, I am Ricky Abeigner. I am PhD in the energy sector with 30 years of experience. However, I have been helping myself with my own health challenges for more than 20 years. I have survived from Malaria when I was a teenager, Covid-19 is still claiming lives,... My friends say that I look younger than my age.
I call myself a Biohacker, an independent doctor. I have started to help friends and families successfully and safely through Vitamin Medicine. I have decided to take it to the next level, worldwide, to you.
I have decided to be my own doctor and been teaching myself medicine Vitamin and biohacking concept. I conceptualize the Homo-Immortalis and “Do Not To Die” project to help others with their current health challenges, maintenance and longevity through: 1)nutrition, 2)vitamins supplement, 3)biohacking, 4)Sport.
Philosophically, the homo-immortalis concept came from my African culture. The Mvett Philosophy: death is an allusion. Mortal man must seek to become what he really is, that is to say IMMORTAL. My grandfather who was a Mvett and my father (first generation to switch from oral to written culture) thought me the genealogy and the immortality concepts through Mvett epic stories and tales I was just 5 -7 years old. The Mvett never left my consciousness till I was able to read myself (Tsira Ndong Ndoutoume and others) and help my father to write our extended genealogy. We agree with Tsira Ndong that with our scientific and technology knowledges, our purpose in life is to seeking to become IMMORTAL. Thus, this is my contribution.
Technically, this is also the era of information availability. We don't trust blindly our kings, presidents with our lives anymore. We think that we should not trust our physicians blindly anymore either. We can take care of our own health because we all have access to the same information now. You know your body and your health more than anybody. Your physicians should be your partner and not your King who has death and life right on you. You need to own your health and thus your longevity and take the opportunity to modify your biological age, your lifespan, your destiny, to become immortal, a homo-immortalis, the new human species which can live now over 150 years. The knowledge of the epigenome and DNA methylation is making the immortality concept, first developed by ancient Egyptians and my African ancestors, real more than ever. We share these ideas in the VIP Homo-immortalis Community.
Hey! Thank you so much stopping by my site. I just wanted to let you know that I am here for you, I am here to serve you, I am here to help you, I am here to connect you with the best services, the best tools, the best activities in order to find solutions for your current health challenges, no matter what you are dealing with. I will take your health and wellbeing to the next level.
I wanted you to know that if you have any questions about anything that you see on this site, I am here for you. I am a real human being like you. I have overcome those health challenges you are dealing with. You don't have to be alone. You can get in touch with me personally if you like.
So, below on this page, you will see a box that you can fill out with any questions that you might have for me. It will go personally to me, and I will personally reach out and help you anyway I can.
Again, thank you for stopping by. I look personally to connect with you and get to know you one day. I will help you how to be a Homo-immortalis like myself and show you how to become one or better a Super Homo-immortalis.
Ricky Abeigner, the owner of Homo-immortalis