Ketosis is a metabolic process that occurs when the body does not have enough carbs for energy and the liver force to produce chemicals known as ketones.
The general public was not even familiar with obese and overweight. It can be calculated by just measuring BMI that is weight to height ratio. According to research, the ideal BMI should be 18-25, while above 25-29 considered as overweight and above 30 or more than 30 are considered as obese/ The risks of obesity and overweight has boarder scope and it’s merely restricted by just following the ketosis process.
Obesity is a common, serious and costly disease. According to CDC (2017-18), the prevalence was 42.4% while the prevalence of obesity and overweight was 30.5 %. The prevalence of obesity was increase 4.7 to 9.8%.
To reduce the prevalence of obesity and overweight, the best ways to achieve your target is the keto diet plan. It is simple or easy and no need for physical exercise. The keto diet aims to induce weight reduction and overall health like heart health, brain health. Diabetes is the mother of all diseases.
Types of keto diet:
· Standard ketogenic Dieting (SKD)
· Targeted ketogenic dieting (TKD)
· Cyclic ketogenic dieting (CKD)
· High protein keto dieting
What is ketosis and the benefits of Ketosis?
Ketosis is a metabolic process that occurs when the body does not have enough carbs for energy and the liver force to produce chemicals known as ketones. This diet aims to claim weight reduction and improved overall health. Unless you don’t know the mechanism of any diet plan, you can’t be familiar with the benefits and its usage. It is also known as low carbs diet plan, Atkins diet plan.
When the body may attain at least:
1 - 5% to 10% carbs;
2 - 70-75% fats and rest
3 - 20 % protein,
then a process of ketosis had been working in the body.
Benefits of the keto diet:
· It may help to reduce Weight
· Reduce appetite
· Low blood sugar level
· Improves brain function
· Boosts energy
· Balance hormones
· Reduce inflammation
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Ketosis is a metabolic process that occurs when the body does not have enough carbs for energy and the liver force to produce chemicals known as ketones.
Intermittent weight loss from fasting is a technique that has become popular over the past few years including in 2022. It's a method of eating where you switch from feeding to fasting. You get to schedule your times of fasting and non-fasting, in which you drink only water. Although it is unnecessary to do intermittent fasting every other day to lose weight, it is advised for those who want to lose weight, at least twice a week.
Intermittent fasting involves taking periodic breaks of eating habits than a regular daily eating plan, an effective strategy for longevity and weight loss.